The B reathe Key
Your Key To Living
"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
- Etty Hillesum -
Welcome to The Breathe Key
Changing your breathing can literally change your life. That is no small statement, and it is true. Join millions of others around the world, as I walk you through the basics and beyond of mindful breathing, meditation and wellbeing to positively change your life.
Why Mindful Breathing?
Your Mental Health
Reduce anxiety, stress
Improve concentration
Improve Self Esteem
Anger Management
Reduce Depression
Your Body Health
Better Immune System
Reduce Body Tension
Lower Blood Pressure
Improve Posture
Better Physical Health
Your Emotional Health
Increase Happiness
More Positive Thinking
Less Negative Thinking
Emotion Management
Trauma Management
Your Life Health
Find Life Purpose
Improve Relationships
Feel More Alive
Feel More Capable
More Energy for Life
Changing your breathing can literally change your life. We change our breathing through conscious and mindful actions, using tools like mindful breathing. Research has shown that by simply changing the way we breathe, we can lessen or reverse things like ADHD, asthma, psoriasis, panic attacks and more.
The Breathe Key is all about providing keys to mindful breathing for those new to and interested in the practice of mindfulness and meditation. Not to state the obvious here, but a key unlocks things! My hope is that you'll find the keys given here unlock new paths for you on your life journey, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. As with all changes we make in our lives, creating a new habit takes time, practice, repetition and dedication. Becoming a better breather and seeing the multitude of health benefits in your life, is within your reach. But be patient with yourself and put in the time, one day by one day.
On my site you will come across Blog Keys, Keycasts, (my term for Podcasts), Key People and learn about my teachings on Key Spaces, Intension Pathways, Controlled Environments and much more - don't worry I explain everything clearly for you. You will also find additional support for your general mental health and wellbeing, with Keycast interviews about mental health, support for your physical health with links to Key People, like nutritionists, therapists and Pilates instructors, on the Key People page. The Breathe Key is ever-evolving, so come back, subscribe and be part of it.
What you will learn about in The Breathe Key...
You will learn about all of these and much more through the Blog Keys and the Keycasts. However, The Breathe Key also offers you opportunities for extra support through recommended reading, key and trusted professionals and a growing list of support avenues.
Coming Soon...
Blog Keys are going audio!
Very soon you will be able to listen to your favourite Blog Keys on the go.
All Blog Keys will be recorded into Keycasts and available on the Keycasts page or many major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, Soundcloud and the Pocket Casts app. Just search for The Breathe Key to access these and all Breathe Key Keycasts.
They are all free to download.
Where to start your Breathe Key journey...
The Breathe Key offers you a simple path to follow, the "10 Keys Tool Kit", (10 KTK). This tool kit includes the first 10 Blog Keys and their corresponding Keycasts. So start from Blog Key 1, and continue through to 10. Enjoy the Keycasts that compliment them and once you're done, you've completed the 10 KTK and you're ready to delve deeper. Log-in and become a site member, giving you access to even more support.
The first 4 Blog Keys will provide you with a foundation to basic breathing techniques and information to get you started. Blog Keys 5 to 10 will then take you on your first steps into the world of Key Spaces, Visualisation and meditation, before wrapping everything up with your first Key Space visualisation.
Following and completing this tool kit will give you a good foundation on which to start your journey into mindfulness and meditation. Together, we will cover the very basics of how to breathe, all the way up to practising your first Key Space. On the way, you'll learn about your sympathetic nervous system and how your breathing affects it. You'll learn how to trick your brain through visualisation. You'll find useful guidance on how to zone out of that voice in your head, into your heart voice. You'll also learn a couple of key breathing techniques including 10 key tips to help you get the most out of your quiet times.
"When you listen to your heart, you're able to open the door".
~Paulo Coelho~
This site is for those new to mindfulness or meditation, who don't know where to start. Maybe you want to lower anxiety or stress levels, feel more peaceful and grounded. Lower depression levels. Cope better in challenging situations. Need to reduce anger levels or slow down the time it takes you to become irritated. You could be looking to sleep better. You may want to gain a sharper focus on life and feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. Maybe you're on a new journey of raising your self-esteem, or maybe you simply want to know yourself better.
The good news is that an everyday key can be found within the simple act of breathing. It is the foundation block, a cornerstone to build other tools on. It is not a magic wand and will not remove any need for further support, like clinical or psychological, but it will definitely help with the management of your emotions and day to day life, while you seek out more support should you need it. For this reason, I also link up with other specialists for you on this site.
The beauty of mindfulness is that it can support us in every area of our lives and when connected with meditation, be truly transformative.
In a few simple steps, I hope to help you find your key to unlock your own peace, inner harmony and the new life you are looking for.